Chasing the Dragon Trailer #1 (2017)

IllegalimmigrantanddrugkingpinCrippledHoarrivesinHongKongin1963.Hequicklyandruthlesslybuildsanunderworldempirethat'sruledbydealers ...,AnillegalimmigrantfromMainlandChinasneaksintocorruptBritish-colonizedHongKongin1963,transforminghimselfintoarut...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Chasing the Dragon

Illegal immigrant and drug kingpin Crippled Ho arrives in Hong Kong in 1963. He quickly and ruthlessly builds an underworld empire that's ruled by dealers ...

Chasing the Dragon (2017)

An illegal immigrant from Mainland China sneaks into corrupt British-colonized Hong Kong in 1963, transforming himself into a ruthless and emerging drug lord.  ...

Chasing the Dragon (film)

Chasing the Dragon previously known as King of Drug Dealers, is a Hong Kong-Chinese action crime drama film directed by Wong Jing and Jason Kwan.

Chasing the Dragon (TV Movie 1996)

Working class mother becomes addicted to heroin, and soon her life falls apart.Working class mother becomes addicted to heroin, and soon her life falls apart.

Watch Chasing the Dragon

In corrupt, British-colonized Hong Kong, a mainland Chinese immigrant rises to the top of the city's drug underworld with the help of a notorious cop.

Watch Chasing the Dragon

Donnie Yen stars as infamous real-life drug kingpin Crippled Ho, who came to Hong Kong an illegal immigrant in 1963 and ruthlessly carved an empire from the ...


《追龍》(英語:Chasing the Dragon)是一部2017年香港犯罪動作片,由王晶與關智耀合導,喻亢、元彬和嚴華任動作指導,甄子丹領銜主演;劉德華特別演出;鄭則士、 ...


天王的合作,票房勢不可擋,首周新片票房冠軍,全台大賣1300萬,創下今年香港電影開票最佳紀錄!口碑沸騰! 更多新聞. 相關影片; (2019) 追龍II:賊王Chasing The Dragon 2.


IllegalimmigrantanddrugkingpinCrippledHoarrivesinHongKongin1963.Hequicklyandruthlesslybuildsanunderworldempirethat'sruledbydealers ...,AnillegalimmigrantfromMainlandChinasneaksintocorruptBritish-colonizedHongKongin1963,transforminghimselfintoaruthlessandemergingdruglord. ...,ChasingtheDragonpreviouslyknownasKingofDrugDealers,isaHongKong-ChineseactioncrimedramafilmdirectedbyWongJingandJasonKwan...